Monday, December 1, 2008

SYMBOLS & SUBSTANCE :: Deciding to Go

"The greatest danger when you make the decision to attend graduate school is failing to ask enough questions of yourself and those in the field to which you aspire." December 2003, Saint Louis University Career Chronicles

Going to graduate or professional school is a major time, mental, financial, and emotional commitment. Though, one that is very rewarding, if it is something you REALLY want to do.
The above article provides an excellent list of detailed questions a potential student should ask of themselves and others, especially in a down economy when everyone considers a return to school. I've summarized them into four very basic questions that can be twisted and turned into whatever direction they may need to bend. I've found simplicity leads to honesty when making life altering decisions:

More School
Is it for me?
Am I sure?
Am I sure I'm sure?
Am I sure I want to go now?

Answering these questions, and the many they are designed to elicit, honestly, passionately, and affirmatively is admirable. If in the end, you really want to go to graduate and professional school because it is what YOU want to do and a way for YOU to achieve your goals, then, GO. Getting to this point of self-reflection is a third of the overall first battle. The second third is finding and getting into a choice program. The final third of the first battle is completing the degree and using it to fulfill your personal definition of advancement and success. A start will always lead to a finish. What kind of a finish and when it will happen, are still up for discussion.

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