Wednesday, December 17, 2008


You will constantly hear CHICOLE::INTERMIXED say something along the lines of follow your passion or go to Graduate or Professional school if it's really what you want to do. Students often return to school out of not knowing what they want to do or to meet the expectations of others. Below is one individuals decision NOT to go to grad school.

Grad School: My mind is telling me no, but my body is telling
Courtesy The Lost Year Experience

In September of 2007 I began researching grad schools for...well...I wasn't really sure what, actually. I was looking into schools that I thought I could stand going to, in fields that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spork. Truth is, I was at a loss and I thought the only way to find my way was to go back to school. And somewhere in the background my father was doing the happy dance of a parent whose child had decided to give up acting and pursue a "real" career. He was hoping for business school. My grandfather was hoping for law school.

I was hoping for a paying job that didn't make me look or feel like a moron, with decent benefits on the side.

I'm still not positive I don't want to go to grad school, but I do believe that it is not necessary in every field in the world a lot of cases work experience and making connections are more valuble.

Plus, well, SHEESH it's pricey.

I was raised in a household (and community) where a great deal of emphasis was placed on the importance of education, so it was never even a question in the deepest recesses of my mind that I would attend college. After that, I just wasn't sure.

And I'm still not sure.

And next year I probably still won't be sure.

But sweet jeebus I hope I at least have that steady-paying job with benefits by then.

Oh, and my grandfather called the other day to ask how long the lease on my apartment was...because what if I need to leave to go to grad school???

Oh, siiiiggggghhhhh. To be able to make everyone in my family, including myself, happy and proud of my accomplishments in life...that would be nice.


Revisit CHICOLE::INTERMIXED's Deciding to Go post on choosing to attend grad and professional school. Are you sure this is what you want to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished my first semester of grad school, and beside all the the studying, the papers, and being broke, I enjoyed it. Sometimes I wish I would've took some time off and worked, but then I dont know if i ever wouldve went back. But like she said, some fields dont require a graduate degree and unfortunately I didn't pick one of those fields. I think it depends on the person though.